13th October, 2016: Side Event hosted by Gates Foundation
Water Institute Water and Health Conference 
University of North Carolina,USA
  1. Community Health Clubs in Context-  Anthony Waterkeyn, Africa AHEAD.

Powerpoint presentation: 2016-10-chc-in-conext_aw

2.   Rusizi Evaluation Methodology overview & Health Impacts of CHC – IPA

Powerpoint Presentation: 2016-10-chc-evaluation-introduction_jh

Powerpoint Presentation: cbehpp_evaluation-results_side-event_ipa

3. An Analysis of the Process of the CHC Intervention in Rusizi District – Juliet Waterkeyn, Africa AHEAD

Powerpoint Presentation: 2016-unc-waterkeyn-j

4. Community Monitoring System for Community Health Club interventions’ – Julia Pantoglou, Africa AHEAD

Powerpoint Presentation: 2016-10-monitoring-chcs-through-household-inventory_jp


28th January, 2016: Webinar Presentation


by Juliet Waterkeyn

Making Community Led Total Sanitation work through the Community Hygiene Clubs.

For video of this presentation 2016.SuSanA presentation

Text of the presentations: 2016.1.28. SuSanA text_jw


30th – 31st March 2016.

Presentation: Dar es Salaam, Centre for Continuing Education, CCE (UDBS Building) at University of Dar Es Salaam.

Dr Juliet Waterkeyn invited speaker.

For powerpoint presentation:  2016.Sustainable San in East Africa_JW

For full workshop report: Sanitation workshop report final


26th – 30th August, 2016

Presentation: World Water Week, Stockholm

By Amans Ntakarutimana & Nelson Ekane

For powerpoint of this presentation click below

The performance of CHCs in transforming hygiene behavior and sanitation: A  case – control study in Kicukiro and Rusizi districts in Rwanda