Start up of Community Health Clubs: 2021
Number of Community Health Clubs: 15
Number of CHC members:
Number of Beneficiaries:
Main Implementer: Global Health Connections
Main Donor Rotary International
Thanks to the training from Africa AHEAD, Global Health Connection (GHC) in the Kisii area of Kenya has now initiated Community Health and Empowerment Clubs in 4 villages with around 2000 people (400 households) in each village, providing 24 weeks of health curriculum using the AA topics. This was followed by 9 weeks of economic curriculum subsequently developed by GHC, doing various micro-finance projects (beekeeping, soap making, poultry, vegetable and fruit farming) in conjunction with Kenyan Agriculture Ministry on these projects. The swift uptake by GHC after the training completed in Feb. 2021 is positive proof that CHCs can be started through our online training. In 2023 there are now 15 CHCs as well an income generating cooperative which includes 9 villages, with training in bee keeping and vegetable growing.