Blog List v1

Blog List v1


USAID/OFDA supports massive scale up in Zimbabwe

The emergency wing of  USAID has today finalised a direct grant to Zimbabwe AHEAD which will see a role out of  Community Health Clubs in the coming year  into four […]


Community Based Facilitators: Multi-tasking Rural Mums

May 2013, Zimbabwe. Juliet Waterkeyn Known as Community Based Facilitators (CBF’s) the role of  these wonderful women, and sometimes men,  who are the back bone of the Community Health Club […]



Type of partner: Direct Funding Final Report Dates of partnership: October 2012- September 2013 Grant Number: AID-613-G-12-00001 Country: Zimbabwe Districts: Mutare, Chimanimani and Chipinge Name of Project: Cholera Mitigation through Community […]


USAID Agriculture and Food Security Programming in Zimbabwe

Poverty Reduction and Food Security – Livestock Development (PRFSVLD) Program. p.17. ‘In June 2013, USAID/Zimbabwe initiated two five year development food aid programs, Amalima and “Enhancing Nutrition, Stepping Up Resilience and […]