Reaching out through online training
The single best thing that has happened in the past few months is the relative speed with which three partners were able to start up Community Health Clubs in Kenya, Malawi and South Sudan. Teams from each country huddled over lap tops in remote locations taking part in our online training. Our introductory module in October 2020 was attended by 68 people in 20 countries and was a forum for everyone to understand the approach with many of our Associates providing first hand examples of their different country experiences. Then teams form each country planned the details of their project, and learnt how to conduct a base line survey so they are able to measure behaviour change. Finally they went through all 24 sessions learning how to facilitate using our participatory activities. Two months later they are starting up CHCs and conducting the formative research. We are so encouraged how easily this has been done and so cost effectively compared the the usual travel costs of normal workshops. Read the reviews above. We are now taking applications for the 2nd intake of this course.