Name and highest qualification : Spiwe Mpofu M.Sc.
Designated role in Africa AHEAD: Programme Manager
Date of joining Organisation: 2012

Summary of expertise: Spiwe first impressed the Founders in 1999 when they met her as a District Social Support Officer in the first CHC project being undertaken in Tsholotsho. With an intuitive understanding of the methodology and a deep committment to good development, she was invited to join the organisation when an opening occured for Ndebele speakers. She completed her Master thesis on the CHC approach in 2003. Since joining in 2012, she has been responsible for a number of projects for the Organisation and has backstopped for the Country Director when he is travelling. She is currently responsible for the Gwanda Urban Resilience Program.
Current Position
Name of Program: Urban Resilience Program
Outline of the Program:
- Support for the community of Gwanda through CHC and creation of revenue base for the CHC members,
- Support the local authority in the clean-up campaigns, training local authority staff to facilitate good service care and delivery, strengthening the U-report systems,
- Build capacity for both CHCs and Local authority staff for sustainability of the structures constructed that is Toilets and water kiosk. These constructed toilets to be run as pay toilets and water kiosk to charge service for provision of water to the community. The three structures will be run by CHCs through the CBM structures for them to realize income and also be hygienically run structures and enhance the creation of a reserve fund for maintenance of the structures so as to foster sustainability
Objectives: Reviving the CHCs in Gwanda and building their resilience through entrepreneurship training, so as to facilitate employment creation and improving household income for CHC members and their families. The models and the knowledge papers were key in documentation of key lessons learnt in the pilot project.
Target Population: Residents, Council Staff, Youth, women, WASH committees, private sector, CHC members. The target was to refurbish two public toilets and construction of one water kiosk
Target area: CHC all the 10 wards of Gwanda- Public toilets in ward 2 and 8 while water kiosk is in ward 5
Beneficiaries: 4685 (CHCs 1785 and water kiosk/2 pay toilets 2900)
Staff in Gwanda: 3