Rwanda National workshop for scaling up CBEHPP

19th February, 2015

The Ministry of Health in Rwanda in line with the provisions of the  Third Health Sector Strategic Plan, is committed to ensuring that the  Community Based Environmental Health Promotion Programme (CBEHPP) started in 2010 continues to spread to every village in Rwanda in order to enhance safe sanitation and sustainable hygiene practices. To-date 13,472 (90%) of the 14,841 villages in Rwanda have registered CHCs but only 40% (5,433) have been supported with the training programme. Therefore a lot remains to be done to ensure that the training reaches all CHCs, so they become fully active.

This National Workshop that AA co-hosted with MoH, UNICEF and USAID on Thursday 19th February at the Lemigo hotel in Kigali was attended by 68 participants from about 40 NGOs.  It was indeed a Milestone event for CBEHPP as it is now rapidly being taken to scale with the objective of reaching 100% of Villages by 2018 as emphasised by the Director General of MoH.

Africa AHEAD Rwanda (AA-R) participated from the beginning as a member of the planning and organizing team providing the  presentation for Ministry of Health,  Mrs Alphonsine Mukamunana,  who presented the history of the CBEHP programme.

For full report see this link

