2014. WWW. Africa AHEAD / SEI Side Event
Side Event at the World Water Week Conference, Stockholm
Date: Sunday, 31st August, 2014 Time: 9am – 12.30 pm
Venue: Room K16/17
Title: Securing Water, Energy, Sanitation and Livelihoods through Consensus: Community led approaches in Africa
Convenor: Africa AHEAD www.africaahead.org
Co-convenor: Stockholm Environment Institute www.sei-international.org
To register: http://programme.worldwaterweek.org/event/securing-water-energy-3460
This seminar provides a unique opportunity to understand the social psychology of the CHC Model as well as hearing first hand examples drawn from case studies in Zimbabwe, Rwanda and Uganda, with similar examples of community led approaches in Kenya and Benin.This is an opportunity for discussion and debate as to whether the CHC Model is replicable at scale in other developing countries as we seek practical ways to ‘Fight poverty post 2015 by securing access to energy, food and water’.
Updated Programme:
Chair Dr Arno Rosemarin, Stockholm Environment Institute
08.55 Introduction
09.00 Dr. Juliet Waterkeyn, CEO, Africa AHEAD.
“I am Not Nothing Now” – Empowering Women through Community Health Clubs
09.20 Anthony Waterkeyn, Chairman, Zimbabwe AHEAD.
Vision 5×5: Seeing is Believing
09.40 Dan Wolf, Director, International Lifeline Fund
Mobilsing Communities for Improving Water, Energy and Sanitation in Uganda
10.00 Lisa Nash, Director, Blue Planet Network.
Sharing the Power of Community Health Clubs
10.10 Arno Rosemarin on behalf of Dr. Fidele Ngabo, Head of Maternal & Child Health, Ministry of Health, Rwanda.
Hygiene Behaviour Change through CBEHPP in Rwanda
10.30 Tea break
10.50 Nelson Ekane, Stockholm Environment Institute. Community-based Sanitation Programs in Burera District, Rwanda
11.10 Dr. Caroline Ochieng, Stockholm Environment Institute
Feasibilty and Sustainabilty of Financial Incentives for Health in a Kenyan Community
11.30 George de Goijer, Embassy of the Netherlands, Benin.
Community Sanitation and Hygiene in Benin
11.50 Discussion with participants
12.20 Summary