CHAIRPERSON: Juliet Waterkeyn (PhD) is the Co-founder of Zimbabwe AHEAD (1999) as well as sister organisations Africa AHEAD in South Africa (2005). She was the originator of the CHC methodology and  completed her PhD and published on ‘Cost effectiveness of CHCs’. She received an AMCOW Award in 2010 for her services to sanitation in Africa through the CHC Approach. She continues to research the dynamics of hygiene behaviour change and develops training material on the subject with online training courses that have enabled CHCs to spread to other African countries.

TECHNICAL ADVISOR: Anthony Waterkeyn is Co-founder of Zimbabwe AHEAD, Mvuramanzi Trust, and Africa AHEAD. He has a M.Eng Tropical Public Health Engineering from Leeds and one of the first personnel in WaterAid working  in Kenya and Zimbabwe for 11 years. He has done many evaluations of WASH programmes for DFID, CARE, and DANIDA, World Bank, African Development Bank, CoWater for the past 25 years. As WSP-World Bank Specialist Advisor between 2003 -2011, he  was behind the national WASH policy in Rwanda which  resulted in the Community Based Environmental Health Promotion Programme.

SECRETARY: Regis Matimati (MPH) is Secretary to the Board as Executive Director of Africa AHEAD, was working as the Nurse in Charge of Nyamidzi Clinic in 1997 when he saw the CHC approach in action and was convinced that health clubs were successful in uniting Communities. He joined Zimbabwe AHEAD in 2007 as a Project Officer in Mutare, and has risen up through the ranks to Programme Manager, then Acting Director for a few years whilst obtaining his Masters degree.  In 2013 he was appointed Executive Director when the organisation merged with Zimbabwe AHEAD.

FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Wilbert Mudukuti (BAcc Hons), has been associated with Africa AHEAD since 2014 as an auditor working with other non-Governmental organizations such as Civnet, ZLHR, Trocaire, and Saywhat.  He holds a Post-graduate Certificate in the Theory of Accounting (CTA) from Institute of Chartered Accountants of  Zimbabwe (ICAZ) through Chartered Accountants Academy (CAA) and is GC Auditors and Accountants Manager.    He is also a board member at Concorp Construction (Private) Limited.

ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISOR: Claire Griffiths, (MSc.) our Environmental Advisor, has been running an environmental consultancy for the last ten years, working  as an ecologist with rural communities in Zimbabwe, and as a limnologist,  doing environmental impact assessments for positioning of dams, river restoration, grey water  cleaning systems and inter-basement  water transfers in South Africa for Department of Water Affairs and has worked with the Freshwater Research Department at the University of Cape Town.

HEALTH POLICY ADVISOR: Victor Nyamandi, (MPH.) is our representative from Government being Director for Environmental Health Services responsible for Adoption and Implementation of Water and Sanitation Technologies, Implementation of Food Safety and Port Health, Participatory Health and Hygiene Education, and Disease. He started work as an Environmental Health Technician and Environmental Health Officer at community level and has extensive knowledge in the use of Community Health Clubs in disease control since 2000 when he was District Environmental Health Officer when CHC were first started in Makoni District in 2001.

WOMENS EMPOWERMENT ADVISOR: Nyarai Kurebegaseka, Biotechnology is the SME Category Winner for Women in Business Zimbabwe Chamber of Commerce 2015. She joins us in 2023 as an advisor for womens’ enterprise. Her experience in providing advice to emergent community-based natural product enterprises and the building-up of supply chains and the Development of new processing technologies for natural products will be invaluable to our Community Health Clubs.