2012. Water and Health Conference. University of North Carolina
Waterkeyn, J. (2012) Best Practice in Hygiene Promotion Programmes: an evaluation template to determine cost effectiveness (awarded a scholarship) http://whconference.unc.edu/networking.cfm
Waterkeyn J. (2012) Community led Total Sanitation (CLTS) and the CHC Model: is integration possible?
Waterkeyn, J: (2012) The Mechanics of Hygiene Behaviour Change Presentation
Waterkeyn_ The Mechanics of Behaviour Change
Matimati, R. (2012) Classic CHC: Masvingo Presentation
Waterkeyn. A. (2012) Powerpoint: Dissemination of CHCs 2 Nov 2012:
2014.8. Waterkeyn.A. 5×5 Seeing is Believing
Clasen. T. (2202) Evaluation of CBEHPP Presentation (LSHTM)
Saywell. D. (2012) 2012_Saywell_CLTS-CHC_PLan_UNC edited (PLAN International)
Waterkeyn.J. (2012) 2012_Waterkeyn_Combining CHC and CLTS_UNC