Zimbabwe, Harare city
Whilst Zimbabwe AHEAD has supported other NGOs such as Practical Action to start Community Health Clubs in the many high density suburbs around Harare, 2014 was the first time that Africa AHEAD has had the opportunity to implement directly in the capital city. a new partnership with Medicine Sans Frontier provided an opportunity for a small project to support the installation of water tanks in the suburbs to provide backup for urban residents in the face of ongoing water shortages that have been the norm in Zimbabwe since the economic collapse in 2008. The poor water quality was the cause of the spread of cholera in that year and as a precaution Medicine Sans Frontier is now providing 16 water tanks with motoritized pumps and a diesel backup to enable water to be obtained in the many power outages.
- Country: Zimbabwe
- Period: October 2014 – December 2014
- Donor: Begium Aid
- Partner: Medicine Sans Frontiers
- Province: Mashonaland Central
- District: Harare city
- 5 Wards:
- Number of Suburbs: 16
- Number of households: 1,200
- Number of CHCs: 18
- Number of Members: 1,200
- Number of CHC facilitators: 18
- Number of beneficiaries: 7,200
- Cost of Project: US$3,400
- Cost per beneficiary: 47c (US$)