World Vision start 752 CHC in 12 districts

On the progress of CBEHPP implementation, World Vision, one of pioneers in the implementation of the program presented their achievements/challenges and recommendations. Indeed, World Vision
has made since 2012 good progress with CHCs in 12 districts and a midterm evaluation is expected in 2017. So far, World Vision program created 752 CHCs in 12 districts among them 166 CHCs are
still ongoing while 596 CHCs have graduated. 70% of them have been linked with economic activities. In the World Vision zone, the CBEHPP contribution the last 5 years in sanitation claims 60,000 improved latrines constructed.

The lessons learnt are that

(1) economic activities increasing households income contribute to
hygiene and behavior change ;

( 2) graduation ceremony motivates
CHC adherence; and

(3) poorest club members must be supported to
do some of their homework/recommended practices.

CBEHPP tools (images/ pictures and training manuals) are expensive
to print; and the case of poor households is a serious challenge for
improved sanitation practices.


World Vision stated that village leaders must be among CHC facilitators to yield more results; good monitoring of CHC activities has to ensure 30 CHCs maximum per EHO at health centre per year; and implementer should think of empowering CHC economically. Following the world vision presentation, two questions were raised on how WASH achievements are reducing diarrhea and the contribution of WASH on malnutrition. World vision responded to have details in the main report and promised to share it with participants. The Director General /RBC urged partners to make sure they are able to show progress on WASH process indicators so that we can move a step further on questioning the contribution to nutrition.