SIDE EVENT: Friday 30th October, 2015
UNC Water institute Conference, University North Carolina
In seeking to improve our performance in the WASH Sector for the post 2015 Sustainable Development Goals, we should replicate and scale up a development model that has worked.
Objectives of the seminar:
- To provide concrete examples of an integrated model of development for rural and urban areas
- To provide a forum for discussion and debate on urban sanitation and hygiene
Basic Assumption:
Before embarking on development projects viable systems of group organization should be set up to ensure sustainable behaviour change.
Proposed Solution:
To organize action groups that share a common vision, is the first stage in development but an obvious prerequisite that has so often been overlooked in past efforts in sanitation. The CHC Model has been called the ‘missing link’ that can ensure such sustainable development.
Evidence based:
Case studies presented in this session on rural and urban Community Health Clubs in Haiti, Rwanda and Zimbabwe provided examples of high levels of community buy-in.
The CHC Model is not only cost effective in rural areas, but also successful in urban informal settlements where people need to be able to organize themselves in order to interact successfully with Local Authorities to achieve demand led sanitation and solid waste disposal.
Call to Action:
The seminar seeks to promote the investment of resources in community organisation to enable NGOs to scale up a proven model through National Environmental Health Programmes.
Darren Saywell (HEAD of WASH, PLAN International)
Download Presentations and Abstracts
Dr. Juliet Waterkeyn: A Practical Model to achieve 8 x SDG targets
Louis Tobergte & Andrew Muringaniza: Sustainability of Community Health Clubs
Joseph Katabarwa & Julia Pantoglou: Monitoring Behaviour Change in Rwanda.
Jason Rosenfeld: University of Texas: Community Health Clubs in Haiti.
Regis Matimati & Juliet Waterkeyn: Civic Organization in 6 Towns in Zimbabwe.
Panel Discussion:
Urban Sanitation: Sustainability though Community Organisation
CHAIRMAN: Jan Willem Rosenboom ( Head of WASH , Gates Foundation)
- Darren Saywell, (WAS, Plan International)
- Juliet Waterkeyn, Architect of the CHC Model & Chief Executive Officer, Africa AHEAD
- Jason Rosenfeld, Ass. Director Global Health, Center for Medical Humanities & Ethics, University of Texas
- Nigel Stuart: WASH Consultant, Africa AHEAD