SA Handwashing

Description of the Training

This topic provides 15 images of  hand washing methods using different types of facilities. The cards are used to help prompt participants  to discuss some of the ways that hand washing can be done properly, with the objective of understanding that many diseases can be prevented by frequent hand washing with soap.

How to use Card set  6. ‘Handwashing


  1. Give out the hand washing picture cards.
  2. Ask each participant to come up to the front one at a time and explain what they have in their picture.
  3. They then ask the audience is their practice is GOOD, or BAD with reasons as to why.
  4. Encourage participants to debate on each picture, the more discussion the better. If there is too much arguing, decide by raising hands and voting.


Link to the Facilitator Instructions for the topic:

Click here for the Facilitator Instructions