SA Drinking Practices
Description of the Training
This topic provides 16 illustrations which reflect many common ways in which drinking water is consumed in Southern Africa. The cards are used to help prompt participants to discuss some of the health challenges they may face, if they do not take care when drinking water.
How to use Card set 10. ‘Drinking Practices’
- Divide participants into groups of 10-16.
- Give every participant a picture card. Tell the participants to describe their picture card to their group.
- Each group should discuss all the cards in that group and sort them into three piles according to how safe they are: SAFE, UNSAFE, NOT SURE.
- Once all the groups have sorted their cards, let them feed back tot he whole group on their decisions and why, encourage debate.
- At the end the group should decide on the best source of water and best method of carrying and storing drinking water.