SA Defecation Practices & Sanitation
Description of the Training
This topic provides 15 images of recommended good sanitation concerning Zero Open Defecation (ZOD). The cards are used to help prompt participants to discuss some of the ways that people can block bad sanitation practices, with the objective of having zero open defecation around their homes.
How to use Card set 19. ‘Defecation Practices’
- What are the options for safe faecal disposal in the area where you live? (See Sanitation options linked below)
- What types of toilets do you have in your own area?
- Hold up the picture cards and have each participant stand behind the picture of the kind of toilet they use.
- If they do not have access to a toilet, select a picture that represents their defecation practice.
- Make a note of how many people have each type of toilet, and how many have none.
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each toilet design, under the different categories listed.
- Through discussion, work out what is the most feasible option for the area, with regard to resources and community organisation.
- Make a plan of how sanitation in the area could be improved, and how the CHC can assist.
- Contact the relevant authority with the request.
Link to the Facilitator Instructions for the topic: