Water Sources

Description of the Topic

Water Sources consists of  13 different types of water sources which are found in many countries in Africa. The cards are used to help prompt participants  to discuss some of the health challenges they may face if they use water from an unprotected source.


How to use Card set  7.a. ‘Water Sources’ 

This set can be used in three ways:

  1. A participant holds up the card to the audience and describes the water source and if it is safe to use for drinking.
  2. They can be used to rank safety of different technologies from unsafe to safe,
  3. It can be used in formative research to help project managers make some assessment to be made as to who uses what type of water source.
  4.  The cards can be used to find out if  people know which of  the ‘Common Diseases’ (card set 2.a.) are caused by unsafe water.

Link to the Facilitator instructions for the topic

Click here  for instructions in English 

Click here for instructions in French 


ENGLISH                                                                                             FRENCH

1 Unprotected open source
2 Unprotected mountain spring Une source non protégé de la montagne
3 Open  water from a river L’eau libre d’une rivière
4 Collecting water from rainwater puddles Collecte de l’eau des flaques de la pluie
5 Protected spring water Eau de source protégée
6 Borehole with handpump Forage avec pompe
7 Communal tap Robinet communal
8 Private tap with meter Robinet privé avec compteur
9 Buying from water kiosk Achat de kiosque à eau
10 Cement rain water tank Cisterne  d’eau de pluie de ciment
11 Plastic rain water tank Cisterne en plastique d’eau de pluie
12 Gravity pipe line and tank Ligne et réservoir de pipe de pesanteur
13 Rainwater from roof, unprotected L’eau de pluie du toit, non protégé

Facilitator instructions for Water Sources (Rural) in English:

6. Water Sources (Rural) Instructions