This page provides a short cut for those looking to apply the CHC Model in different contexts:  i.e. Rural CHCs,  Urban CHC or how CHC can to useful in Emergency settings.

Community Health Clubs can be instrumental in building community in many different contexts.

Rural Community Health Clubs



The CHC Model is culturally very appropriate in all rural areas but most effective in the least developed communities with low levels of literacy as the members value learning and are willing to adopt hygiene practices as a group. Over 2,137 rural Community Health Clubs have been by Africa AHEAD.

Urban Community Health Clubs



Health Clubs help to form Common-unity in high density slums where there is little social cohesion. Africa AHEAD has started over 400 CHCs in two cities in South Africa as well as many in 5 small towns in Zimbabwe

Emergency Community Health Clubs



Health Clubs are particularly effective in times of social upheaval, enabling displaced people to form new cohesion in emergencies so as to develop trust and networks of cooperation. This has been demonstrated in the IDP Camps of Uganda  where they were formed in 15 IDP camps resulting in high level of sanitation.