Past Projects in Uganda


  1. CARE International (funded by Gates Foundation)

In 2003, Dr. J. Waterkeyn as consultant to Care International introduced the concept of CHC in an effort to meet a demanding target of 10,000 latrines to be build in 15 IDP Camps. This was achieved in 8 months through the 120 CHC which were started and proved to be a ground breaking project demonstrating how CHC can be used in emergency.

See Publications for more details.

  1. Malaria Consortium – HIDO (funded by Unicef):

The approach was then taken to Pader District, also a refugee area in Northern Uganda, by HIDO (in partnership with Malaria Consortium). Another 35 health clubs were established with 2,599 members in 8 IDP camps and within 5 months 51% (1,318 members) had built latrines as well constructed 400 rubbish pits, 1,644 pot racks and 810 bathrooms.

  1. Lutheran World Federation:

Based on recommendations in an evaluation (by Cranfield University), Community Health Clubs were started in Katakwi by Lutheran World Federation. In October 2006, a local EHD trainer who had co-facilitated with Africa AHEAD in the Gulu Trainer successfuly trained LWF field staff in PHAST and the CHC approach. By March 2007 there was a 40% uptake of sanitation. This was important as it shows how replication does not depend solely on Africa AHEAD, and points the way forward as to how Uganda can scale up CHCs without external consultancy.

  1. WaterAid and partner NGOs pilot CHCs:

In May 2008, Africa AHEAD provided training for WaterAid local partners to enable them to start up Community Health Clubs in various areas of Uganda: Busoga Trust in Southern Uganda, whilst SSWARS and AEE operate mainly in Kampala. WEDA, another highly successful implementing partner is currently conducting a successful program in Katakwi using Clusters rather than health clubs and will be integrating some of the CHC ideas into their home grown health promotion methodology.We await an update on how these organisation have adapted the CHC Approach to their own contexts.