Corona Virus

Description of the Training

This topic provides 30 cards  to help prompt participants  to discuss some of the practical ways that they can deal with the corona virus.

For a full set of visual aids for the Corona Virus Topic click link below:

Corona Virus Toolkit

Clock below to download the visual Aids in A4 printable .pdf


NB. The Tool kit was developed for Zimbabwe (March 2020), and therefore the illustrations and content  may not reflect your particular country. They have not been approved by Ministry of Health in any Country or by Unicef. Africa AHEAD accepts no responsibility for consequences should theybe  used without prior official permission from the country concerned.
If you want to use these pictures, you should check that the illustrations are  appropriate for your ‘context’ including government directives and culturally appropriate messages. Pre-test them in the field in a pilot project and then note any changes that should be made to the content.
 To make them more appropriate to your particular context more pictures may have to be added, or existing pictures  altered to suit the country and culture where they are being used. So if you  need to get them adapted,  please contact me, Juliet Waterkeyn ( so they can be adapted by the original artist.

Intellectual Property

These pictures are ‘open source’ and may be used but not altered.  If you do use them, you are obliged to  acknowledge the developer (Africa AHEAD) and the artisti (Itayi Njagu). You may not remove the logo.

How to use Visual Aids

These pictures are not meant as prescriptive pictures – like a flip chart or poster, which deliver top-down  key messages and directives.  They are designed to stimulate discussion and problem solving.
The card with the list of pictures is for the use of the facilitator so to know what is in the card set and to enable them to identify what is intended  in the picture in case of confusion. The title at the bottom of each page should be bend under along the line and glued to the back of the page, before it is used.
A number of participatory  activities can be  done with these cards:
  1. Simple Interpretation: Each participant holds up the card to the audience and describes what she can see in the picture.
  2. Three pile sorting: The cards can be sorted into three groups of ‘good’, ‘average’ and ‘poor’ practice
  3.  Blocking the route: The cards can be used as a story to show how Corona Virus is spread.  After which participants select a card which could prevent this disease.

The  Facilitator can also do another session for prevention of Corona virus by focusing  in more detail on  handwashing using the sets below:

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