Monique Oliff

Dr. Monique Oliff has over 20 years of international global health experience as a skilled primary care clinician, health communication specialist, researcher, trainer and consultant, with diverse stakeholders in varied sectors. She is a skilled trainer, facilitator, motivator and strong communicator – who builds confidence and capacity at all levels through training approaches that are innovative and grounded in practice. Committed to bringing research and practice closer together through quality multi-disciplinary implementation research, Monique is an experienced researcher, with a PhD from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (2002). She worked with the Founders starting a CHC programme for miners in hostels of Johannesburg.
Languages: English, French,Kiswahili
Oliff, M.; Lugand, M.; Sande, J., Phuka, J. Rectal Artesunate Information Education Communication (RASIEC) A cohort study in Malawi. 11th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health 16 – 20 September, Liverpool, UK Symposium: Severe Malaria: Reducing Deaths by Improving Quality of Care.
Scorgie, F; Vearey, J, Oliff, M, Stadler, J., Venables,E., Chersich, M.F., Delany-Moretlwe, S (2017) Leaving no one behind: Designing community-based HIV prevention for migrants in Johannesburg’s inner-city hostels and informal settlements. BMC Public Health, 17(Suppl 3):482.
Oliff, M; Lugand-Majeres, M. (2015) Poster Presentation submitted to International SBCC Summit, Ethiopia 2016. Listen and learn: developing communication materials through an end-user participatory pre-testing approach – the story of rectal artesunate for pre-referral treatment of severe malaria.
Hannah, S., Seidel, S., Pato, S., & Oliff, M. (2014, October 28-31). Innovation in stakeholder engagement: Piloting a monitoring and evaluation toolkit. Poster presentation at HIV Research for Prevention, Cape Town, South Africa.
Delany-Moretlwe,S.,Bello,B., Kinross, P., Oliff, M.; Chersich, M.; Kleinschmidt, I.,Rees, H. (2014) HIV Prevalence and risk in long distance truck drivers in South Africa: A national cross-sectional survey. In press Int J STD AIDS. 2014 May;25(6):428-38. doi: 10.1177/0956462413512803. Epub 2013 Dec 18.
Delany-Moretlwe S, Abdolrasouli2, A, Clayton T, Oliff M, Vearey J, Moyo W , Andreasen A, . Mayaud P. (2009) Trichomonas vaginalis is associated with HIV-1 in high-risk migrant men and women living in inner-city settlements in Johannesburg, South Africa. 18th ISSTDR Congress, London, June 2009
Oliff M, Mayaud P, Brugha R, Semakafu AM. Integrating reproductive health services in a reforming health sector: the case of Tanzania. Reproductive Health Matters. 2003 May; 11(21):37-48.
Watson-Jones D, Oliff M, Terris-Prestholt F, Changalucha J, Gumodoka B, Mayaud P, Semakafu AM, Kumaranayake L, Gavyole A, Mabey D, Hayes R Antenatal syphilis screening in sub-Saharan Africa: lessons learned from Tanzania. Trop Med Int Health. 2005 Sep; 10(9):934-43
Oliff M, Mayaud P, Pieroth V, et al. Integration of STI prevention and care into reproductive health services in Tanzania: an analysis of barriers and opportunities for comprehensive, quality reproductive health services. Poster Exhibition: The XIV International AIDS Conference: Abstract no. WePeD6418
Oliff M, Mayaud P, Pieroth V, et al. Men as Men – the reproductive health demands of men in rural and roadside settlements in Tanzania: What are we waiting for? Poster Exhibition: The XIV International AIDS Conference: Abstract no. TuPeF5230
Oliff, M. Keynote: 11th International Reproductive Health Priorities Conference, Sun City South Africa, October 2004 Mobility, HIV/AIDS and Sustainable Livelihoods: Reconciling the contradictions in inner city Johannesburg.
Brugha R, Oliff M, Vongo R, Balaba Byansi D, Ndubani P, Ssengooba F, Kaboru B, King RA policy analysis for interventions to bridge the gap between traditional healers and the public sector for HIV/AIDS control in Uganda and Zambia. Oral abstract session: AIDS 2006 – XVI International AIDS Conference: Abstract no. THAE0202
Mbatha, T; Gardner, J; Mweli, S; Vearey, J, Oliff, M. Reaching men in hostels: experiences from the implementation of Mpilonhle-Mpilonde Quality Life – Long Life public health intervention. 12th International Reproductive Health Priorities Conference, Stellenbosch South Africa, October 2005
Mweli, S; Vearey, J; Mbatha,T; Gardner, J; Oliff, M (2005) Traditional healers as primary care providers for residents of hostels and informal settlements in the inner-city of Johannesburg, South Africa. 12th International Reproductive Health Priorities Conference, Stellenbosch South Africa, October 2005
Sikhauli E, Oliif M, Gardner J, Vearey J. Mpilonhle-Mpilonde – Formative work for a research-informed intervention addressing the health needs of hostel and informal settlement residents in inner-city Johannesburg: The XV International AIDS Conference: Abstract no. D12593″
Vearey, J; Mweli, S; Mbatha,T; Gardner, J; Oliff, M. Real people, real experiences: simulated clients and urban clinic assessments. 12th International Reproductive Health Priorities Conference, Stellenbosch South Africa, October 2005
Delany, S; Zuma, K; Oliff, M. (2005) The sexual health needs of mobile populations. FIDSAA Conference, SunCity, South Africa, July 2005.
Oliff M, Gardner J, Delany S. Mpilonhle-Mpilonde (Quality Life – Long Life), preliminary findings from a prevalence and behavioural survey of residents of inner-city Johannesburg. Abstract OR37, 11th International Reproductive Health Priorities Conference, Sun City South Africa, October 2004
Moore S, Pharris A, Muchimba M,, Solo K, Nalwadda C, Nsubuga C, King R, Oliff M, Mayaud P, for the Bridging Gaps Project Research Team. Novel use of simulated client visits among traditional health practitioners: strengths, weaknesses, and cross tool comparisons AIDS 2006 – XVI International AIDS Conference: Abstract no. MOPE0755
Moore S, Pharris A, King R, Muchimba M, Solo K, Nalwadda C, Nsubuga C, Oliff M, Mayaud P for the Bridging Gaps Project Research Team. Antiretroviral therapy in context: Challenges to Scaling up HIV Programs in Zambia and Uganda. AIDS 2006 – XVI International AIDS Conference: Abstract no. TUPE0823
Mogkope K, Oliff M, Delany S. The trucking industry and its response to HIV/AIDS, preliminary findings from a National survey of long-distance truck drivers in South Africa Abstract OR38, 11th International Reproductive Health Priorities Conference, Sun City South Africa, October 2004.
Delany, S; Zuma, K; Oliff, M. Men on the Move – results from a national survey of long distance truck drivers in South Africa. 12th International Reproductive Health Priorities Conference, Stellenbosch South Africa, October 2005
Vearey, J; Mbatha,T; Mweli, S; Gardner, J; Oliff, M HIV & public health interventions: testing a model that enhances quality of life in inner city Johannesburg. AIDS 2006 – XVI International AIDS Conference: Abstract no. THPE0283″
Vearey, J; Oliff, M. HIV and Public Health intervention: testing a model that enhances quality of life in inner city Johannesburg settlements and hostels. 12th International Reproductive Health Priorities Conference, Stellenbosch South Africa, October 2005.
Corn Cattle Coconuts Condoms – Innovative ways to engage communities in research dissemination
MMV – Artesunate Training Film for health workers (English/French/Portuguese)