May 2000 – April 2001

Year May 2000 – April 2001
Head Office Staff DFID Advisor:  Anthony Waterkeyn. (1998)

Executive Director:           Juliet Waterkeyn (1998)

Acting Director:                 Josephine Mutandiro (August to Dec 2000)

Programme Manager:       Sacha Wales Smith (August to December, 2000)

Project Officer, Makoni:    Caleb Mwaramba (1998)

Administration:                  Lucy Kanandara (1998)

Artist:                                 Kuda Mkurumure (1998)

Project Officer:                  Andrew Muringaniza (1999)

Com Dev. Co-ordinator:     Josephine Mutandiro (1999)

Driver:                                Henry Mugwaza (1999)

Year 2. Water Point Upgrading and Rehabiitation Project (Gutu and Tsholotsho)Year 2. Makoni Environmental Health Campaign

New Zealand High Commission : Toriro Paper Making Project :

Adult Literacy programme

Number of staff 8 full time + 6 field staff
Project Area 3 Districts: Makoni, Tsholotsho and Gutu
Donors DFID                            Z$  6,725,078Danida                         Z$  4,318,950

Trocaire                       Z$    92,500

New Zealand HC         Z$$ 300,000(2nd phase)

Partners Cartolina Paper as buyers

Silviera House for training for food processing

Riders for Health managing vehicles

ALOZ training literacy tutors for ten wards

Thornwood Trading training bee keepers

Care International trained 2 groups for agri-inputs (Weya and Ngowe)

Annual Budget Z$ 62,549528   US$1,202,875
  • 130 health clubs in Makoni District
  •  Tsholotsho : 41 handpumps installed
  • 253 boreholes rehabilitated
  • 801 h/hold latrines constructed
  • 5 school latrine blocks built
  • 85 CHCs in Gutu with 4,247 members
  • 32 CHCs in Tsholotsho with 1,823 members
  • 40,000 beneficiaries in Gutu and Tsholotsho
  •  In Makoni 16 graduations with 3,165 members completed
  • One borehole rehabilitated in Makoni (Sr Maureen)
  • 10 PRA workshops in 10 wards
  •  2,481 trained in IG skills in 10 wards of Makoni
  • 235 Builders trained to construct VIP
  • 71 IT machines donated to trained groups
  • 36    Peanut butter groups 144 trained
  • 41 Oil processing groups 311 trained
  • 23 Soap making groups  204 trained
  • 23 pottery groups with 118 trained
  • 23 paper making groups with 25 trained (100 fibre processors)
  • 4 fence making groups with 308 trained
  • 308 Sewing groups with 308 making mosquito nets
  • 44 environmental groups with 308 planting woodlot
  •  4 bookbinding groups with 16 bookbinders trained
  • 10 bee keepers trained in Harare
  •  39 bee keeping groups with 313 trained
  •  36 carpentry groups with 191 trained
  •  1 craft group with 8 trained
  •  2 groups starting with agri inputs
  • Z$ 3 million (£50,000) made in sales from paper by Toriro Centre
  • 230 CHCs in Makoni with 12,000 members
  • 1st ward competition at Tanda
  • 20 Adult literacy trainers trained  (ALOZ, October 2000)
  • 4 enumerators trained for survey
  • Application for establishment of Sangano Training Centre (Nov, 2000)
External Training Research Survey started in August 2001 for  Gutu, Tsholotsho and Makoni
Training material PRA Training packs:  Family ; Social problems
Publications/papers PhD research at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (October 2001)
R.o.E US$1: Z$52 (March 2000)               US$ 1 : Z$52 (Feb 2001)
Constraints End of Funding with DFID and Danida (March 2001)Political Crisis in country, violence in rural areas after referendum (April 2000)

Director on sabbatical leave from September 2000

Future Plans Training and marketing Centre in SanganoRenew projects if crisis subsides