Africa AHEAD is excited to report that 31 members of Impiloyethu Community Health Club graduated 10 April 2010. In recognition of their efforts, a morning ceremony was held at the Education Centre at the Northern Treatment Works in Durban.

The events began with a public viewing of the CHC’s agri-tubes, tyre-step project and communal improvements attributed to the CHC at Johanna Road/Boxwood Place. After which, the attendees gathered at the Education Centre for a Welcome Address by eThekwini Water Services Education Trainer Lucky Sibiya, who has been part and parcel of the project. Master of Ceremonies, Africa AHEAD project officer Ndyebo Mgangqizana then introduced Impiloyethu who treated guests to song and dance, centered around the importance of health and hygiene.
An EWS senior official delivered the keynote address of the morning. He stressed the importance of health and sanitation in our communities, noting the important improvements that Impiloyethu has been the driving force of at Johanna Road. He encouraged them to continue on their mission of making their community a better place for all of its residents.

Africa AHEAD Project Manager Nancy Maksimoski followed with a powerpoint presentation which visually highlighted the changes that have occurred at Johanna Road since the formation of the CHC on both a household and communal level.
The highlight of the afternoon was most certainly Impiloyethu’s educational drama involving the importance of hygiene and proper treatment of diarrhea in children, which they wrote themselves. Impiloyethu hopes to show other communities and groups their drama to raise awareness about these issues.
The ceremony concluded with a presentation of certificates to all graduates and closing remarks from Africa AHEAD Dr. Juliet Waterkeyn.

Africa AHEAD and EWS are both very proud of the work done by Impiloyethu in the past few months and look forward to their upcoming projects at Johanna Road.
“Community means strength that joins our strength to do the work that needs to be done. Arms to hold us when we falter. A circle of healing. A circle of friends.” -Starhawk, Human Rights & Eco-Activist