European Union

1st Partnership

  • Type of Partner: Funding  (with Big Lottery co-funding)
  • Implementing Partner: Mercy Corps
  • Link to more information 
  • Dates of partnership: 2009 – 2011
  • Country: Zimbabwe
  • District: Chipinge, Buhera, Chiredzi
  • Type of Project: Food Security
  • Objective of Project: To sustainably improve agricultural production and income for vulnerable households
  • Number of Beneficiaries: 64,020 beneficiaries

2nd Partnership

  • Type of partner: Funding 
  • Implementing Partner: ACF (Action Contre la Faim) 
  • Link to more information 
  • Dates of partnership: Feb 2012 – January 2014
  • Country: Zimbabwe
  • Districts: Gutu & Mberengwa

Phase 1: 

  • Name of Project: Community Health Club Project
  • Type of Project: Health Promotion
  • Objective of Project: Complete coverage in Community Health Clubs
  • Number of Beneficiaries: 457 CHCs, in 429 villages 82,410 beneficiaries
  • Cost of project: US$ 363,981
  • Cost per beneficiary:  4.42

Phase 2:

  • Name of Project: Improvement of WASH in Schools
  • Type of Project: Health Promotion
  • Objective of Project: Improving wash in 53 schools in School Health Clubs
  • Number of Beneficiaries: 3,101 members, 15,825 benficiaries
  • Cost of project: US$ 246,000
  • Cost per beneficiary:  15,54

