Elementor #23683 Mwenezi District / Masvingo Province Coverage of Protected water source for 0-25% of the population Introduction to District Copy and past info from www.chcahead.org Community Mobilisation in piped water scheme Project Period: June – Dec 2021Project Location: MweneziFunding Partner: OXFAMProject Budget: USD 74 933.00Technology: Solar piped waterNumber of CHCs: 20Beneficiaries: 5,677Gender Equity: 2,668M 3,009FProject Staff: 2 Click for Project Summary Africa AHEAD projects in Mwenezi Delete projects below which are not in the district. Link latest reports to the project line1. 2020 Project Update UNICEF Covid 192. Refurbishment of 23 Health Care facilities (Unicef) 3. Waterpoints and village pump mechanic training in Chiredzi & Mwenezi (OFDA/ BHA)4. Covid Infection Prevention and Control through Handwashing ( Unicef/AfCB) Each District should have a short 5 minute video showcasing the activities and projects