Dr. Brian Mathews

Water and Sanitation Advisor
Dr. Brian Mathew
PhD. Water and Sanitation, Cranfield University, 2005
Brian has been working mainly in Africa for the past 25 years, managing and evaluating water, sanitation and hygiene programmes: as Country Representative for WaterAid in Tanzania; with DFID in Zimbabwe, and for PricewaterhouseCoopers on the Five Cities Water Programme in Mozambique; and Government of Malawi on their National Sanitation Policy. His main focus is on the engineering / social interface as well as capacity building WASH staff and institutions, as well as promoting the use of productive water and ecosan for better nutrition and poverty reduction. In 1997, he was the first to replicate the CHC strategy successfully in a DFID project in Bikita (see publications). He is currently working East Timor with World Vision piloting the CHC Model.
- Africa: Zambia, Angola, Sudan, Tanzania, Mozambique, South Africa, Guinea Bissau, Malawi, Ethiopia.
- Asia: East Timor
- Latin America and the Caribbean: Honduras, Guyana
Languages: English (mother tongue), Portuguese, Swahili, Arabic (Basic)
- “Ensuring sustained beneficial outcomes for water and sanitation programmes in the developing world”, PhD Thesis IWE, Cranfield University & IRC Delft Netherlands, Occasional Paper Series 40. 2006
- “Productive water strategies for poverty reduction in Zimbabwe”, Robinson P, Mathew B & Proudfoot D. In “Beyond Domestic, case studies on poverty and productive uses of water at the household level”. Eds. Moriarty P, Butterworth J and van Koppen B. IRC, Netherlands 2004.
- “The ownership and management of productive water point gardens in a time of drought, Zimbabwe”, International Symposium on Water, Poverty and Productive uses of Water at the Household Level, pp 21-23, Muldersdrift, South Africa, conference pre-prints pp113-127 & irc.nl/themes/management/prodwat/proceedings. 2003.
- “WAMMA Programme 10 years after: the factors for success” – Tanzania. IRC Website irc.nl/manage/debate/tanzania.html. 2002.
- “Capacity building and ownership in decentralised project management” The 27th WEDC Conference Lusaka, Zambia. Proceedings pp 304-6 . Loughbrough University, UK. 2001.
- “The Bikita Experience” a 36minute film of the Bikita Integrated Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Project. Executive Producer & joint script writer with Ben Mahaka, Zimmedia Productions for DFID. 2000.
- “Health clubs – hygiene education in Bikita IRWSSP”, The 25th WEDC Conference Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Proceedings pp 98-101. Loughbrough University, UK. Mathew & Mukuwe. 1999.
- “Socio-economic aspects of Water selling”. Waterlines, IT Publications Volume 10 No. 2 pp21-24. 1991.
- “A Zambian water project”. Waterlines, IT Publications Vol7 No.2, pp19-21. 1988.