2012 UNC – Africa AHEAD Side Event

University of North Carolina Conference

Africa AHEAD Community Health Club Seminar 

Date:  Friday, 2nd November, 2012.

Time: 8.15 am – 3.30 pm


Morning Session: Chairman: Darren Saywell

 The Classic CHC Approach: Applied Health Education and Development  (AHEAD)

8.15   Introductions

8.30   The Mechanics of Hygiene Behaviour Change    Juliet Waterkeyn                 Africa AHEAD

9.00   Classic CHC:  The Zimbabwe Experience              Regis Matimati             Zimbabwe AHEAD

9.30   CHC Dissemination                                                            Anthony Waterkeyn           Africa AHEAD

10.00  Evaluation of CBEHPP in Rwanda                          Thomas Clasen                               LSHTM           

CHC Adaptations and Case Studies from non AHEAD projects

10.45   Dominican Rep                 Jason Rosenfeld                                 University of Texas

11.15  Tanzania                                 Anita Boling                                         Village Network Africa

11.45  Zambia                                     Lauren Snyder  / Nonde Chama  Kayula     Gillings School of Public Health/World Vision

 Afternoon Session:     Chairman:  Jan Willem Rosenboom

1.30     Comparing CHC to CLTS: How can they be integrated?

            Jan Willem                  Chairman’s Introduction                                          Gates Foundation

1.40      Darren Saywell             The CLTS Approach                                             Plan International

2.00     Juliet Waterkeyn         The CHC Approach                                                Africa AHEAD

2.20      General  Discussion

Panel:  Anthony Waterkeyn, Regis Matimati, Jason Rosenfeld, Anita Boiling

3.20 – 3.30      Summary and Recommendations    Jason Rosenfeld    University of Texas


Biographies of Speakers: 

Dr. Juliet Waterkeyn:                                                                        juliet@africaahead.com

Juliet has spent most of her career in development in Africa, initiating, then refining and  researching the Community Health Club Model of health promotion through her  PhD at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.  In the past decade she has been instrumental in introducing the CHC Approach into many countries in Africa and Asia,  training CHC facilitators, adapting training material and visual aids for CHC training, as well as conducting  research, feasibility studies, monitoring and evaluation. As co-founder and  part-time Director of Zimbabwe AHEAD, she also travels extensively on behalf of Africa AHEAD.  In 2010, she received an AMCOW Award as ‘distinguished woman leader in sanitation’. www.africaahead.org


Anthony Waterkeyn                                                                         anthony@africaahead.com

Anthony has been in the WASH Sector since 1985, starting  with Water Aid for 11 years, through which he  founded Mvuramanzi Trust in Zimbabwe in 1993. Five years later he co-founded   Zimbabwe AHEAD Organisation, of which he is still Chairman. As Specialist Advisor for WSP-World Bank for strategy development, advocacy, and  capacity building in the WASH Sector, he travelling extensively in Africa and Asia, between 2003 – 2011. He is  a leading proponent of the CHC Approach and as a direct result of his advocacy skills,  the Governments of  both Rwanda and Vietnam have developed road maps which have resulted in national Community Based Environmental Health Promotion Programmes.


Regis Matimati                                                                                   regis@africaahead.com

Regis has come up through the ranks starting as a Nurse in Charge of Nyamidzi Clinic, in one of the first places where CHC were piloted between 1990 and 2000. He joined University of Zimbabwe / University of California as Clinical Field Manager, for research into adolescent reproductive health. In 2007 when he joined Zimbabwe AHEAD as Project Officer, of an emergency Cholera Project in Mutare, funded by Oxfam. He has a Post Graduate Diploma in Water Supply and Sanitation and is currently studying a BSc in Development Studies. He is the Director of Programmes and Acting Director of Zimbabwe AHEAD.


Jason Rosenfeld                                                                                 RosenfeldJ@uthscsa.edu

Jason, with a BA Political Science from Duke University, became a volunteer for two years  in Ghana, as Water and Sanitation Advisor for US Peace Corps. This was followed by a Masters Degree in Public Health, at Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University  conducting  an evaluation of Safe Water in Schools Program in Kisumu, Kenya. In 2008, he joined Africa AHEAD in South Africa, as  Project Manager for a CHC Project  in Kwa Zulu Natal, and was  then seconded to Zimbabwe AHEAD organization for a year. He is currently Assistant Director for Global Health for the Center for Medical Humanities & Ethics, researching in the Dominican Republic and Haiti.

Dr. Darren Saywell                                                                            Darren.Saywell@planusa.org

Darren is the Director of the WASH/CLTS program at Plan International USA, where  he manages several institutional grants relating to this theme, provides technical leadership and advice for the US office and is involved in wider outreach and advocacy for WASH internationally.  Prior to joining Plan International USA, Darren worked with the International Water Association in the Netherlands (2005-2011), the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council in Switzerland (2000-2005) and with the Water, Engineering and Development Centre in the UK (1994-2000).  Darren also supports the Sanitation and Water for All initiative in his role as Vice Chair. (www.sanitationandwaterforall.org)