2005, WEDC
CONFERENCE: 31st WEDC Conference, Kampala
YEAR: 2005
AUTHORS: Okot. P, Kwame. V & Waterkeyn.
TITLE: Rapid Sanitation Uptake in the Internally Displaced People Camps of Northern Uganda through Community Health Clubs.
FULL PAPER: 2005_ IDP.pdf
ABSTRACT: One of the worst humanitarian disasters in the world is currently taking place in Northern Uganda where 89% of the population in Gulu District now live in 33 Internally Displaced People’s (IDP) Camps, with low levels of home hygiene and only 5% sanitation coverage. A local NGO, Health Integrated Development Organization (HIDO), has started 116 Community Health Clubs in 15 IDPs camps, with 15,522 regular members who meet weekly for hygiene sessions. Within 4 months, health club members have constructed 8,504 latrines, 6,020 bath shelters, 3,372 drying racks, and 1,552 hand washing facilities, with an estimated 100,000 direct beneficiaries. The strategy has been based on the A.H.E.A.D Community Health Club Approach using participatory PHAST training tools, and may provide a cost-effective model for future IDP emergency sanitation programs.