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Transform Malawi Module 3 – Monitoring CHC (December 2021)

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Module 3: Training Enumerators to monitor  Hygiene Behaviour Change

Date: 7th  & 9th December 2021

Cost of training : US $750 per group

Maximum Number of participants: 15 

Length of sessions: 5 hours per day

Number of days: 2 days 

Time of Training: 9 am – 3pm (SA time)

Summary of content: This is a training for a Monitoring team who will be trained with our Household Inventory  survey tool and taught to conduct household  observations on  mobile phones, using the survey downloaded from Mwater. They will learn how to provide households with assessment of their hygiene level using a traffic light grading system, and set up village level paper based monitoring for Community Health Clubs: all systems developed and  unique to Africa AHEAD.

This system allows organisations to have instant data collation using the Mwater server.

N.B. It does not include our monthly Monitoring Support Package, nor access the the CHC AHEAD Registry website 

Training Topics:

  1. Understanding the Membership Card
  2. Setting up  the Household Inventory on your mobile phone
  3. Understanding the indicators of Household Inventory Survey
  4. Field Day to pretest the Household Inventory
  5. Feed back from pretest of Household Inventory
  6. Village Registry and Star Chart

Participant desirable Qualifications

  • School leavers certificate (A level or more)
  • Experience in Environmental Health in the field
  • Diploma in Environmental Health an advantage

Required facilities for each participant

  • English speaking (good level)
  • Computer literate (Excel, Word)
  • Cell phone ‘savy’
  • Owner of an android cell phone
  • Gmail account
  • Adequate airtime

Terms : Full payment in advance

Cancellation: no refund for yearly subscription

Privacy: All project records and data privacy

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