2023 Training now open to all organisations

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Module 1: Introduction to the Community Health Club Approach

Day of Training: Every Thursday.
Time: 1-4pm
Sessions: 4

Enrol now for this course which enables new comers to the approach to understand the rationale behind the Community Health Club model to help you decide if you want to use this approach in your WASH Projects. Open to all organisations.

Module 2: Planning to start a Community Health Club project

Day of Training: Every Friday.
Time: 1-4pm
Sessions:  4

Having decided to start a Community Health Club project, we can help you plan the timing, logistics and inputs and develop a cost effective proposal. Once funding has been secured we will take you through the next Modules providing mentoring to make sure your project is a success. 

Module 3: Monitoring a Community Health Club project

Day of Training: Every Wednesday.
Time: 1-4pm
Sessions:  4

Before you  start a Community Health Club project, you may want to take a base line survey so as to be able to measure hygiene behaviour change and sanitation uptake. With a tried and tested survey consisting of 50 observations, and an online tool which can by instantly collated and downloaded in excel, we can save you time in the start up.

Module 4: Facilitator Training in Participatory Activities

Day of Training: Every Tuesday
Time: 9am to 4pm
Number of Sessions:  25

If you have already completed the training above, and are ready to start up a Community Health club Project, we now offer to train the facilitators which will be training each CHC. They can be local people with ability to conduct sessions, as well as project officers and government Environmental Health Officers.

Module 5: Gender Mainstreaming Youth Club

Day of Training: Every Monday
Time: 9am to 4pm
Number of Sessions:  20

Once your Community Health Clubs have completed the WASH training, they may want to extend their activities. We are now offering a Stage 2 training for CHCs which have graduated successfully from Stage 1. This includes more difficult topics related to living skills in the context of gender equity and equality. It targets teenagers and young adults, male and female of reproductive age to enable a full understanding of reproductive health and respect for  life.

Module 6: Women’s Empowerment through income generation

Day of Training: Every Saturday
Time: 9am to 4pm
Number of Sessions:  20

Once your Community Health Clubs have completed the Gender Mainstreaming we offer a tailor made course to identify income generating projects which would be appropriate for your area. We then provide online demonstrations of selected skills to enable start up of projects in Community Health Clubs. This course is only open to organisation which are currently running Community Health Clubs.

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