CHC Training Hub in Rwanda

Africa AHEAD is now launching monthly training courses for  those applying as individuals as well as group workshops for  NGO staff who need training in the CHC Model.

Training Modules are  designed to strengthen individuals and organisations currently engaged in or wanting to  implement the CBEHPP or CHC both in Rwanda and in other developing countries. The training modules are appropriate for both Government and NGO employees as a group or individuals who want to strengthen their skills in participatory methodologies for working with communities in health promotion.

Ideal trainees include, but are not limited to environmental health personnel, social workers, teachers  in primary & secondary schools, nurses and social workers. Whilst no prior qualification is necessary to join this training, experience with development is advantageous. The training is also useful for domestic and international students wanting to augment developmental studies  with practical field experience as an intern.

2015 Training Dates

These workshops will take place at scheduled times each month and comprise of  different Modules as follows:

  • Module A. Orientation on the CHC Model : for National/District staff – one day
  • Module B. Planning a CHC Programme: National/District staff – 3 days
  • Module C. Training of  CHC Facilitators: District down to village- 4 days
  • Module D. Field Practical using CHC tools: Trainers only – 2 days
  • Module E. Monitoring: National/District  staff
  • Module F. Use of the CHC Registry and online monitoring system: National Staff – 2 days

The training employs participatory methods appropriate for adult learning. This will include group discussions and presentations in plenary, video and interactive games. Kinyarwanda, Swahili, English and French will be used in Rwanda and Shona or Ndebele and English in Zimbabwe. Training handouts will be provided.

A pre and post test will be conducted in addition to an overall evaluation of the training and Graduation Certificate for the full training (13 days).

Trainees, who have demonstrated full understanding will be awarded a certificate of  competence by Africa AHEAD and be registered as a certified trainee on the Africa AHEAD website.

Internationally, Africa AHEAD  has some of the most experienced trainers on the CHC Model and in Rwanda, this is being applied by some of the top practitioners in the country.  Our team  also includes researchers who have specialised in community health approaches with long experience academically and practically in the field, providing ongoing consultancies in the region.  

For more information: Brochure_Training_CBEHPP_final_jw

Contact for Rwanda; for Zimbabwe



