Zimbabwe, Bindura Town
Hygiene Promotion and Capacity Development Programme for Bindura Town
- to increase equitable access to WASH services for vulnerable people with a special focus on gender
- To improve hygiene practices among the residents of Bindura with special focus on gender and vulnerability.
- To improve the operational performance of Bindura Town Council as well as enhance the sustainability of services, and measure the impacts of implemented interventions.
After significant delays in the start up due to political suspicions around the introduction of a new NGO into a highly sensitive area, a 5 day ToT was conducted in January 2013. which marked the start of the long awaited Community Health Clubs in Bindura. After training CBFs received T/shirts, hats and bags and their training Toolkit. Feedback meetings were held in the 12 wards and CHCs started to mushroom. By March 2013 there were a total of 17 CHCs, 1,038 registered CHC members, 10 SHCs and 733 registered members. Registration was still ongoing.
- Country: Zimbabwe
- Period:October 2012 -Sept 2013.
- Donor:Unicef Wash Fund
- Partner: GAA
- Province: Mashonaland Central
- District: Bindura Urban
- 12 Wards:
- Number of Villages:
- Number of households: 1,038
- Number of CHCs: 17
- Number of Members:1,038
- Number of School Health clubs: 10
- Number of School Health Masters:733
- Number of CHC facilitators:
- Number of school beneficiaries: 5,294
- total Number of beneficiaries: 44,033
- Cost of Project: US$117,000
- Cost per beneficiary: US$2.65
‘Broken down boreholes are being repaired through CHC initiatives. Before this project, there was bad blood between Bindura Town Council and residents. They were two worlds apart. CHCs came at the right time because now good relations are being created. BTC has begun to meet residents through the CHCs. Critical issues are discussed during the meetings. BTC has taken the project as council’s baby and not as a departmental issue. Various council departments team up when they go out to meet the residents through the CHCs.’ Project Officer

‘When you move around the streets in various suburbs of Bindura there is marked change in terms of environmental hygiene. Piles of refuse which were quiet visible before the inception of the project are now a thing of the past. The community is organising clean up campaigns at ward level and they clean their respective areas. This has been done in wards 4, 5 and 6. Other wards are planning to do the same because of peer pressure from their neighbours. BTC has provided a tractor, shovels, racks, gloves and other tools to enhance thorough cleaning. At times they hire a front end loader to help the community load the refuse into trucks. The CHC committees play a vital role in linking the community and Town Council in this cleaning exercise.
Annual Report April 2012 – March 2013. Page 13.