Canaan Mukusha
Name and highest qualification :
Designated role in Africa AHEAD:
Date of joining Organisation

Summary of expertise: (Extract from Annual Report, 2010)
Canaan Makusha represents the type of development worker that our organisation seeks to promote: a community member who has risen through the ranks of his Community Health Club to become a national trainer. As a young couple Canaan and his wife moved to Ngowe, Makoni, in 1999 and joined the local Community Health Club. Their own home became a model of self help, with herbs and vegetables fed by drip irrigation, bee keeping and a model kitchen – even his saucepans were home made!
Canaan became noticed for his enthusiasm and energy, and joined the Zim AHEAD team initially as a trainer in carpentry in 2002, and subsequently became a district trainer at the Sangano Community Centre near Rusape. With the closure of the centre he joined the core team as a CHC trainer, and worked in Chiredzi Rural with massive response from the community, before being tasked to coordinate a project in Public Health Promotion in Garikai, a marginalised settlement near Masvingo, considered a potential hot spot for cholera, with no sanitation or solid waste disposal, and limited water. Stimulated by Canaan, the residents mobilised and took back control of their community until not a scrap of litter could be found in the area. Each house possessed a tippy tap and cultivated a nutrition garden. People said that they were now proud to live there. This project has become an example of how the CHC approach can turn things around in Urban areas and for this success Canaan was awarded 2010 worker of the year. As Director of Programmes at the time, Regis Matimati has noted, ‘Every project he touches turns to gold’.
Current Employment
Dates of start and finish: April 2019 – September 2019
Programme name: Emergency Response to Cyclone Idai
Donor: Action Contre la Faim (ACF)
District, Wards: Chipinge, wards, 12 & 20
Objectives of programme:
- Access to drinking water
- Strengthening of Water point committees
- Sanitation and hygiene practices improved
- Cholera awareness raised.
Summary of achievements
Water: 27 boreholes tested and 23 rehabilitated, and 4 repaired, all chlorinated providing safe drinking water for 30,364 people
Training: 17 village water point committees trained and provided with tools
CHCs: 20 CHCs established with a membership of 1,363, aand 10 School health clubs with 508 children with improved understanding and better hygiene practice.
Dates of start and finish:
Programme name:
District, Wards
Objective of programme
Summary of achievements
dates of start and finish
Programme name
District, Wards
Objective of programme
Summary of achievements
dates of start and finish
Programme name
District, Wards
Objective of programme
Summary of achievements