Aaron Tanner, Facilitator

Technical Advisor: 

Dr. Aaron Tanner, Regional Representative West Africa

Dr. Aaron Tanner has  PhD from Cranfield University (UK)  with research focused on promoting organisational development plan to encourage water utilities to increase sustainability performance with experience in latrine design and construction, household water treatment and water quality testing, faecal sludge and solid waste management, bio-sand filter production, as well as training in Community Health Clubs and hygiene promotion,  water safety planning, behaviour change,  and environmental sanitation. He introduced the CHC Model into Papua New Guinea (2018).

Country experience: Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, Kenya, Uganda, Bangladesh, Cambodia,  India, Lao & Nepal

Curriculum Vitae: Click here for full CV


A.S. Tanner, B.S. McIntosh. D.C.C. Widdowson, M.R. Tillotson. (January 2018) The water Utility Adoption Model (wUAM): Understanding influences of organisational and procedural innovation in a UK water utility. Journal of Cleaner Production http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959652616308630

Tanner, A, McIntosh B.S. (Mar 2013) Sustainability and capital investment innovation in a UK water utility (conference: Sustainability Live 2013, NEC, Birmingham, UK)

Tanner, A. (Apr 2012) Opportunities and barriers to sustainability innovations in a UK water and sewerage company Cranfield University Library, UK https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/7289

Tanner, A, McIntosh B.S, Seth, A. & Widdowson, D. (Nov 2010) Adapting to adopt sustainability: organisational change in UK water and sewerage companies http://www.thesustainabilitysociety.org.nz/conference/2010/papers/Tanner-McIntosh-Widdowson.pdf

Tanner, A, McIntosh B.S, Seth, A. & Widdowson, D (Jul 2010) Sustainability, information needs and organisational change in UK water and sewerage companies.


Tanner, A. Roberts, M. Tanner, A.  Mc Naughton, A. (Sep 2007). Latrine supply Chain assessment for Rural Cambodia. WSP.  http://www.wsp.org/sites/wsp.org/files/userfiles/WSP-Supply-Chain-Assessment-Report-Cambodia.pdf