Masvingo Rural
PROJECT AIM: To reduce the vulnerability of the high risk population of Rural Masvingo to water and sanitation related disease transmission through the Community Health Club Approach.
- Country: Zimbabwe
- Period: 2009 – 2010
- Donor: USAID- OFDA
- Partner: OXFAM
- Province: Masvingo
- District: Masvingo
- 5 Wards:
- Number of Villages:119
- Number of households: 5,120
- Number of CHCs: 119
- Number of Members: 5,120
- Number of School health clubs: 9
- Number of School HC Members: 1,115
- Number of EHTs:
- Number of CHC facilitators: 119
- Number of beneficiaries: 30,720
- Cost of Project: US$50,000
- Cost per beneficiary: US$1.62
In Masvingo rural wards, the programme was so popular with communities afraid of the threat of cholera, that a total of 119 Community Health Clubs were formed, which is 11 CHCs over the target. There were a total of 5,120 CHC members, with an average of 50 members per CHCs,with 30,720 beneficiaries. The size of the CHCs was limited only by OXFAM project design. Even though neighboring communities and districts had reported cases (as at Feb 2011) no cases of Cholera were reported in the project area.
The target of 8 pump repairs and 6 headwork repairs in the district was met. The local community were trained with the necessary skills to carry out the various rehabilitation works themselves and Water Point User Committees (WPUC) were also created to ensure their continued management and maintenance.
Global Hand Washing Day Commemoration
98 CHCs in the 6 wards were mobilized to commemorate hand washing day. The occassions were marked by public health promotion in the form of hand washing demonstrations, dramas, poems, songs and dance. ZimAHEAD distributed IEC materials sourced from UNICEF in the form of 400 t-shirts and thousands of pamphlets and posters.The objective was to completely cut out water and sanitation related disease during the festive season and this was achieved as none were reported.
Water Supply
21 WPUC (Water Point Upgrading Committee) were trained in ward 30 where 21 WPUC were established . The other wards were also trained and all boreholes were rehabilitated. VPM (Village Pump Mechanic) tools sets were delivered from Oxfam and ZA is chasing the variances.
“The school books are now cleaner as the children wash their hands at the entrance to the classroom, as opposed to having the handwashing facilities at the toilet only”
“if this pump breaks again I won’t need to ask anyone for help. I know exactly what to do. I am now as good as any pump mechanic”
Headmistress for Fusira Primary School, Ward 27, Masvingo Rural
2010 Annual Report, page 13.