SA Diarrhoea Transmission
Description of the Training
This topic provides 7 images showing the transmission of diarrhoea by 5 main routes known as the 5 ‘f’s’, namely, flies, faeces, fingers, food and fluid. The cards are used to help explain this multi-route of transmission and helps to show how these 5 main routes can be blocked by good hygiene (hand washing with soap), safe water and sanitation and control of flies.
How to use Card set 4. ‘Diarrhoea Transmission’
- Select two participants to hold up the Faeces picture card and the Mouth picture card
- Explain that the transmission of faeces to the mouth is called the ‘faecal-oral route’
- Discuss how diarrhoea is transmitted into the stomach through the 5 main routes (5 F’s): Fingers, Flies, Fluid, Food, Fruit
- Find the corresponding picture cards for the 5 F’s. Ask for suggestions as to how each picture shows a way that germs can be spread from faeces to mouths.
Link to the Facilitator instructions for the topic
Click here for Facilitator Instructions