Respiratory Disease
Description of the Training
This topic provides 20 images of ‘Blocking the Route’ practices for respiratory disease or ARI (Acute Respiratory Illnesses) . The cards are used to help prompt participants to discuss some of the ways that people can catch and spread respiratory diseases, with the objective of understanding preventative measures that can be used to combat ARI.
How to use Card set 17. ‘Respiratory Disease’
- Holding up the cards of clear and infected lungs, explain to participants the different types of respiratory diseases (e.g. cold, flu, bronchitis, pneumonia and Tuberculosis).
- Give out all the cards showing the ways respiratory diseases can be spread and prevented.
- Ask each participant with a picture to come up to the front and describe what is shown in their picture and if it is a good/bad practice.
- Ask all the participants holding the bad practice cards to stand in a line holding up their cards.
- Ask the participants holding the good practice cards to stand up and ‘block’ the bad cards.
Link to Facilitator Instructions for Respiratory Disease:
- Healthy lungs
- Unhealthy lungs infected with TB spots
- Uncovered coughing over others
- Smoking cigarettes
- Blowing nose with fingers
- Spitting on the ground
- Picking nose with fingers
- Wiping child’s nose
- Sneezing into hands
- Sneezing into shoulder
- Throwing tissues away
- Washing hands properly
- Shaking hands dry
- Using same towel to dry
- Sleeping in unventilated room
- Sleeping in well ventilated room
- Cooking in smokey kitchen
- Using fuel-efficient stove
- Giving water to sick person
- Giving food to sick person