WaterAid in Bugasera district

Assessment of Community Based Environmental Health
Promotion Program (CBEHPP) achievements and sustainability
in Bugesera District

Theonest Ntakirutimana, Lecturer at University of Rwanda

The objective of this study was to assess achievements of CBEHPP implemented by WaterAid, capture challenges and plan actions for sustainability. The assessment considered the period from 2010 to 2013.

The study population comprised of 8,223 CHC members, 195 CHWs and 195 heads of villages. The results of the study showed that 90% of head of villages participated in CHCs. Regarding changes brought by CHCs, progress was observed on: drying racks, toilets, handwashing facilities, boiling of drinking water, shelter for shower. In many villages, apart from the changes mentioned above, evening meetings on hygiene are now being organised. The study also reported the creation of tontines where members support each other on buying materials. It also reinforced community cohesion. In total 120 CHCs out of 195 fully implemented the CBEHPP recommended practices. For those who didn’t apply the practices; lack of time, neglecting of the CHCs, and lack of follow up where mentioned as reasons. CHCs facilitators’ difficulties in interpreting pictures cards were assessed as part of the study. 40% of facilitators said it was difficult to interpret the pictures. To improve the CHCs activities the members suggested some actions: organisation of study tours, motivations like rewarding local leaders, engagement of local leaders in CHC.

Challenges reported by the respondents are: lack of transport and communication for CHC committee, villages where access to drinking water is still a challenge, lack of knowledge of committee members.

For sustainability of CHCs respondents also recommended to incorporate mandatory Village Savings and Lending Associations(VSLA) after 6 months activities, and to lobby for more engagement from districts.

The researcher recommended that there is a need to invest more resources in communities, and further to conduct a research on the impact of CBEHPP on health.