Trained Health Promotion Volunteers are doing a splendid job by ensuring that communities are educated on how to prevent and control the pandemic in their neighbourhoods. This is being done door to door and in smaller groups (Corona Health clusters) of 15 households. Key messages that are being promoted are regular hand washing with soap and running water, compulsory wearing of face masks when leaving homes, social distancing, avoiding hand shakes, and practising coughing etiquette. Participatory methods are used to trigger communities to come up with their own action plans to prevent COVID 19 spread in their neighbourhoods. Included in some of their plans are wearing of face masks, putting handwashing facilities (tippy taps) at household level, monitoring their children better so that they stay home, and the cleaning up of their environs as shown below.

Distribution of Non Food Items (NFI) in Mutare has gathered momentum. The package is for COVID 19 prevention through regular hand washing with soap and running clean water. Target beneficiaries are the vulnerable individuals that include the aged,child headed families, chronically ill and those living with disabilities, identified by trained Health Promotion Volunteers and local leadership. The NFI kit comprises of soap (2 green bars), 20 litre plastic jerry can, 20 litre hand washing bucket and acqua tabs.