Gutu District Cyclone Response

Name of programme: Building Resilience in Gutu District after Cyclone Idai

Objective of Programme:  As a response to the WASH crisis and building of resilience to shocks by the communities, Africa AHEAD and UNICEF are supporting WASH activities in the five most affected wards in Gutu (wards 10,12,13,15 and 36) which includes restoration of boreholes, piped water schemes, rehabilitation of toilets in four schools, one health centre including the demand led and supported latrine construction.

Details of Programme: 

Background: Gutu district in Masvingo province is one of the 9 districts which were heavily hit by the Tropical Cyclone Idai resulting in most water and sanitation infrastructure being damaged. An estimated population of 270 000 in total, including 129 600 were affected by flooding and other damages caused by Cyclone. The vulnerable community which includes women of childbearing age, children under five years were left exposed to negative/harmful copying mechanism and exposure to risks of diseases outbreak such diarrhoea, typhoid and cholera.

Date:  April to December 2020

Programme activities

Through close liaison with the MoHCC/DDF and other DWSSC members the programme will

  • Repair/rehabilitate 36 water points (30 boreholes, 6 deep wells and 1 piped water scheme).
  • provide 100 vulnerable households  with building material for latrine construction
  • Formation and training of 10 CHCs on PHHE sessions and Covid 19 awareness.
  • Trigger the building of 60 demand led latrines with no subsidy.
  • Train 10 Community Based Facilitators in  the 5 wards
  • Train 10 latrine builders
  • Water and sanitation facilities  rehabilitated/constructed in four schools and 1 clinic.
  • 4 School Based Facilitator trained on PHHE and Covid in the 4 schools
  • Health facility staff will be sensitized on Covid spread and prevention.
  • 37 Water Point Committee and 10 Village Pump Mechanics trained
  • ensure proper managements of water facilities and reduction of long down time of water points.
  • DWSSC, extension workers, ward level and village committees will be trained on ESMP, PSEA and DWSSP.
  • Gender and disability issues being addresses across the programme activities.

Achievements to Date: In progress

